August 26, 2010

I want to see Sour Puss!

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i prefer dogs. period. Not only are dogs smarter, cuter, more obedient, active, playful, and a MAN's best friend, most importantly. VERY importantly. I'm allergic to cats. There. Suck it all you cats out there. This body of mine don't want none of ya'll.


aaannndd, i want to watch Cats and Dogs because the trailer shows some doggy butt action. No i'm kidding. I want to watch it because i've seen all sorts of movies in my life. talking ants, talking toys, talking cars, talking bananas, talking cats, talking dogs, and even talking catdogs. The only thing that can be added to that list of ridiculously wonky idea-ed movies, is a talking cat named Sour Puss (cracks me up everytime) trying to take over the world. IN THE WORLD OF THREE DIMENSIONAL :D. And as an added bonus, the cat (pussies) are the bad guys, and bad guys normally burn a fiery painful torturous death. That makes the inner child in me happy. So please, help me make my week of college that much more bearable, and my list, that much more complete. Thank you :)

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